Members of the Programme Board of the ‘European Review of Law and International Relations’

Doctor habilitus of law, Professor and the Head of the Department of Private Law at the European University of Law and Administration in Warsaw, judge of the Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court. The author of several dozens of publications on substantive and procedural civil law, transport law, economic law, commercial law and antitrust law. The author of commentary on the legislative act – Transport Law, editor and co-author of the commentary on the Code of Civil Procedure. Academic teacher and lecturer in i.a. the National School of Judiciary and Public Prosecution in Cracow and District Chamber of Legal Advisers in Warsaw. He has been involved in the judiciary system for over 20 years and has experience in every position of the career path.

prof. dr hab. Roman Wieruszewski – professor and the Head of the Department of Constitutional Law and Human Rights at the European University of Law and Administration in Warsaw. Since September 1, 2021 he has been occupying the position of Pro-rector for Education and Learning, former member and vice-chairman of the UN Human Rights Committee.
In 1969 he graduated from Faculty of Law at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. In 1973 he obtained a Ph.D. degree in political sciences at the same University. He habilitated in 1984 at the Institute of Legal Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences. On December 23, 2010 he received an academic title of Professor of the legal sciences.
Between 1969 and 1973 he worked as an academic teacher at the Adam Mickiewicz University. In 1975 he became a research associate at the Institute of Legal Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
In 1988 as a recipient of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation scholarship he completed an academic internship at the Ludwig-Maximilian University in Munich. He delivered lectures at Universities in Munich, Bohemia, Mainz and others. He became an associate professor at the Institute of Legal Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
Since the late 80s he has been mainly focused on human rights issues. He was working with Tadeusz Mazowiecki when he was a special UN envoy to Bosnia and Herzegovina between 1992 and 1995. From 1996 to 1998 he was leading the United Nations High Commissioner’s mission dealing with human rights headquartered in Sarajevo. Between 1998 and 2000 and again between 2003 and 2006 he was a member of the UN Human Rights Committee and between 2003 and 2004 he was the vice-chairman of this Committee. He became the director of the Human Rights Centre in Poznań, OSCE expert on human rights, member of the editorial office in ‘Legal Studies’, Bioethics Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, programme board of the ‘Panoptykon’ Foundation, programme board of the Strategic Litigation Programme. In 2017 he became a member of the programme board of the Wiktor Osiatyński Archive.
He is an author, a co-author and an editor of numerous scientific publications concerning human rights and international organizations dealing with this issue. He is a co-founder of the Polish Constitutional Law Association.
His main fields of interest are international system of human rights protection and constitutional law.


dr hab.Barbara Bajor – professor at the European University of Law and Administration in Warsaw. She received the academic title of Ph.D. of legal sciences (thesis entitled: ‘A single member company as a legal form of conducting business’; thesis advisor Andrzej Bierć) and obtained a habilitation on the basis of her scientific work and postgraduate thesis: ‘Digital Banking. Legal Study.’
She is a member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Legal Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences and a professor of this institution in the Department of Private Law.
Between 1998 and 2003 she was a lecturer at the University of Information Technology, Management and Administration in Warsaw and in the European Banking Law Study Centre of the Institute of Legal Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Since 1999 she has been a lecturer in the European University of Law and Administration in Warsaw. Between 2003 and 2007 she was a pro-dean dealing with the students’ issues at the European University of Law and Administration. From 2007 to 2014 she was the Dean of the Faculty of Law at the European University of Law and Administration in Warsaw.
She is an author of numerous scientific publications. Her main fields of research are private law, banking law and legal issues concerning the payment services market.


Slovenian political scientist; he received an academic title of Ph.D. in political sciences at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia in 1971. Since 1972 he has been associated with the University in Ljubljana where he works as a professor. For many years he was a permanent lecturer at the Diplomatische Akademie in Vienna; he was also a lecturer in various universities in North America, Europe and Asia. Since the ‘90s he has worked in diplomatic service, i.a. as the Slovenian ambassador to the UN. Since 2006 he has been a member of the executive committee of the International Political Science Association. He specializes in analyzing political systems, European security issues and relations between European countries, USA and Canada as well as world terrorism issues, defence issues and nuclear disarmament.

e-mail: anton.bebler@fdv.uni-is.jl

dr. Anna Gwiazda is a Reader of Comparative Politics in the Department of Political Economy. Before joining King’s College London in September 2010 she worked in Trinity College Dublin and University College Dublin. She was also a recipient of a scholarship visiting European University Institute, Sussex European Institute, Australian National University and University of Canterbury in New Zealand. She received academic title Ph.D. from the Trinity College Dublin in Ireland, master degree in political sciences at the Central European University in Budapest, Hungary and a bachelor degree in economics at the University of Technology in Radom, Poland. Her current research focuses on women’s political representation, gender equality, the quality of democracy, democratization, European and Polish politics. In the past she also conducted research on the Europeanization of public policies. She is an author of numerous publications.

prof. dr hab. Artur Kotowski – affiliate of the European University of Law and Administration in Warsaw, the Head of the Department of Theory and Philosophy of Law at the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw. A member of the Supreme Court Office of Research and Analysis. The author of several dozens of publications concerning theory and philosophy of law and criminal law.


Dr hab. Michał Kowalski – graduate and affiliate of the European University of Law and Administration in Warsaw, professor at the Department of Constitutional Law at the Koźmiński University. In 2010 he obtained the academic title of Ph.D. of legal sciences at the Polish Academy of Sciences and in 2019 he completed his habilitation at the Koźmiński University.

He is an author and co-author of several dozens of scientific publications including 4 scientific monographs, 1 academic course book, 3 publications in English language, around dozen of research papers in legal journals, commentary and multi-authored publications. He presented 9 papers at Polish and international scientific conferences. He participated in the research grant and was a postgraduate thesis subsidiary supervisor at the Institute of Legal Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences and at Koźmiński University. Since 2015 he has been the Head of the Institute of Comparative Law of EU States Legal Systems at the European University of Law and Administration and a supervisor of the Constitutional Law Scientific Research Club at the Koźmiński University in Warsaw. He conducted a series of lectures and open lectures for students of law in London, Brussels, Birmingham, Glasgow, Hague, Rome and Dortmund.

Since 2010 he has supervised several dozens of master thesis at the Faculty of Law at the European University of Law and Administration in Warsaw and in London and bachelor thesis at the Faculty of Administration at the European University of Law and Administration in Brussels with subjects concerning constitutional law, administrative proceedings, judicial-administrative proceedings and human rights. To popularize the jurisprudence of administrative courts he published 200 texts in Dziennik Gazeta Prawna and Rzeczpospolita. Since 2018 he has been the secretary of the Committee and one of the reviewers of the created by the President of the Supreme Administrative Court contest for the best master thesis and postgraduate thesis aimed at popularization of the knowledge about administrative judiciary and promotion of exceptionally talented authors of master thesis and postgraduate thesis. He is a co-creator and an organizer of programme popularizing administrative judiciary among Polish and foreign students of law (within the ERASMUS programme) and high school students (Lesson in a Court programme), a Night of Museums at the Supreme Administrative Court and a programme of moot courts for the high school students. Every year he is involved in charity fundraisers for Poles in the east. He has 17 years of experience in the field of legal practice.

He is an author of nearly 200 projects of reasoning for the judgement of the Supreme Administrative Court. Since July 21, 2010 he has been a legal adviser registered by the Chamber of Legal Adviser in Warsaw under no. Wa-7125. Because of his employment in the Supreme Administrative Court his licence to practice as a legal adviser is suspended.


prof. dr hab. Roman Kuźniar – professor at the University of Warsaw, the Head of the Department of Strategic Studies and International Security at the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies. In 1977 he graduated from the Faculty of Journalism and Political Science and is continuously connected with the Faculty through the Institute of International Relations. Between 1990 and 2015 he was also professionally active outside the University. In Ministry of Foreign Affairs he occupied the position of the Head of the Department of Policy Planning twice, a minister in the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Poland to the United Nations in Geneva, the director of the Diplomatic Academy and PISM Academy (2005-2007), an advisor on international affairs of the President of the Republic of Poland (2010-2015). Furthermore, he was also a titular ambassador honoured with the French Legion of Honour. His passions are mountains and skiing. He was a founder and the editor-in-chief of the Strategic Yearbook published since 1996 and of the Consortium of Academic Departments of Strategic Studies and Security which has been operating since 2015. He is a Chairman of the Programming Boards of the Krzysztof Skubiszewski Foundation and of the W.B.Jastrzębowski Foundation We, the citizens of the EU. His main fields of research include modern history of international relations, state security issues, international protection of human rights and Polish foreign policies. He teaches these subjects and publishes expertise texts.


prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Pałecki – professor and doctor habilitatus of political science, former Head of the Department of Sociology of Law at the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Jagiellonian University. Professor emeritus.
Participant, coordinator and leader of numerous empirical research ,i.a. concerning the political awareness of Polish society, the functioning of the political and legal institutions (especially those applying the law), the politics of law, the culture of law and politics, the political elite, the democratization and transformation of political regimes, processes of making legal decision. Some of the most important research that he has recently participated in are ‘Public opinion on the function of the Supreme Administrative Court’ (1996), ‘Axiological changes in the positive law and the practise of judicature’ (1998), research on the opinion of Polish society on the functioning of courts (2003), Polish-Swedish research ‘The influence of legal doctrines on the practice of executing the law’ and ‘Stressing Legal Decision’ (2004) and research conducted by the Global Development Network ‘Bridging Research and Policy’ (since 2004).
He is a member of numerous of Polish and international scientific associations, i.a. the International Political Science Association (vice-president, 1997-2000), the Research of Sociology of Law Committee of the International Sociological Association, the Political Sciences Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences (between 1998 and 2004 the Chairman, currently a deputy chairman), the Legal Sciences Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Polish Association of Political Science (1991-1994 the president, from 1997 until now deputy president), the Polish Sociological Society, a member of the Governing Body, the Global Development Network, co-founder of the Central European Political Science Association, a Regional Coordinator of the Central-Eastern European Universities Network. He is also a member of the editorial board of the ‘Polish Political Science Yearbook’ (between 1999 and 2004 the editor-in-chief) and a member of editorial committees of the ‘International Political Science Review’, ‘Central European Political Science Review’, ‘Transition Studies Review’ and others.


prof. dr hab. Jacek Sobczak – in 1975 he obtained an academic title of Ph.D. of legal sciences, thesis: ‘Provincial courts in the Greater Poland Voivodeship (Wielkopolska)’. In 1985 based on his professional career achievements and a postgraduate thesis ‘Legal status of the Tartar people in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania’ he received habilitation. During the period of Martian law in Poland as a second lieutenant of the Polish Army and a judge in the District Court in Poznań he was called to military service in the Air Force Court in Poznań. He took part in the panels of judges who sentenced members of the underground movement and people connected with the political opposition. He has neither presided over such a panel nor was he has been a reporting judge in such trials. Since 1995 professor of legal sciences. From March 1, 1999 to September 30, 2016 judge of the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court, scientific worker, until 2010 the Head of the Department of Media Systems and Press Law at the Faculty of Political Science and Journalism at the Adam Mickiewicz University employed as a professor. He was the Head of the Department of Criminal Law at the Lazarski University and the Department of Constitutional Law at the School of Management and Banking in Poznań where he also occupied the position of pro-rector. Since October 1, 2009 to June 30, 2019 he headed the Department of the Intellectual Property Law at the Faculty of Law at the University of Social Science and Humanities in Warsaw. Since October 1, 2019 he has been working in the Institute of Legal Sciences of the University of Economic and Human Sciences in Warsaw. He specializes in press law, copyright law, criminal law, history of state and law and history of political and legal doctrines. He wrote commentaries to legal acts: Press Law and the Law of copyright and related rights. He supervised 62 doctoral dissertations on law and political sciences, reviewed 78 doctoral dissertations processes and 43 habilitations. He is a member of the II Department of the Poznań Society of Friends of Sciences, the Polish Historical Association (between 1989 and 2000 a member of the management board), the Society for the Preservation of Historical Monuments, the Polish Association of Sport Law, the Polish Association of Political Sciences, the Polish Association of Constitutional Law. He a founding member and the president of the Polish Scientific Association of Press Law.


Ignacio Ara Pinilla - Professor of Philosophy of Law and Director of the Department of Constitutional Law, Political Science and Philosophy of Law at the University of La Laguna. Graduate in Law from the University of Valladolid with the Extraordinary Degree Award. Doctor in Jurisprudence from the Università degli Studi di Bologna, having obtained the Luigi Ravà Prize for the best thesis in the field of Public Law and Philosophy of Law.  

Before obtaining the Chair, he completed his training at the Sorbonne University in Paris and at the Academy of International Law in The Hague. He has then developed multiple teaching and research activities at numerous Universities such as the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), the Javeriana University in Bogotá in Colombia, the Federal University of Paraná in Brazil, the Moreno University in Bolivia, the Public University of Mendoza in Argentina, etc.  

Prior to his current position as Director of the Department, he also held the positions of Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Law in Palma de Mallorca and Director of the Doctoral Programme "Human Rights and Constitutional Order" at the University of La Laguna.  

Author of seven single-authored monographs and numerous articles published in journals and collective books in the field.


Fabio da Silva Veiga. Professor of Business Law at the Faculty of Law and Political Science of the Lusófona University, Portugal (undergraduate, master's and doctorate). He was a guest Adjunct Professor at the Polytechnic of Leiria, Portugal (2022). He was Professor of Business Law at the University of Almería, Spain (2020), approved in the PSI public competition. He was a “venia docenti” professor at the Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain (2019). He was a professor of the Master in Abogacía at the European University of Madrid (2016/17/18). He has a PhD in Business Law from the University of Vigo (2017), with maximum distinction and Extraordinary Prize for Doctoral Thesis.
Fabio da Silva Veiga. Profesor prawa gospodarczego na Wydziale Prawa i Nauk Politycznych Uniwersytetu Lusófona w Portugalii (studia licencjackie, magisterskie i doktoranckie). Był gościnnym adiunktem na Politechnice w Leirii, Portugalia (2022). Był profesorem prawa gospodarczego na Uniwersytecie w Almerii w Hiszpanii (2020), zatwierdzonym w konkursie publicznym PSI. Był profesorem "venia docenti" na Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria w Hiszpanii (2019). Był profesorem Master in Abogacía na Europejskim Uniwersytecie w Madrycie (2016/17/18). Uzyskał tytuł doktora prawa w dziedzinie prawa gospodarczego na Uniwersytecie w Vigo (2017), z maksymalnym wyróżnieniem i nadzwyczajną nagrodą za rozprawę doktorską.

George Goradze is an Affiliate Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Law at Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani University in Tbilisi, Georgia. He is a Professor of Constitutional Law, Comparative Law and Comparative Constitutional Law. Main areas of his research are Territorial Arrangement, Territorial Policy and Territorial Conflicts, Separation of Powers and Democracy.
He is author and co-author of several books and many articles.
Prof. Goradze is an editor in Chief of the international journal “Orbeliani Law Review” (Georgia) and a member of scientific board of the Polish journals “Przegląd Prawa Administracyjnego” and “European Law and International Relations Review”. He also is a member of the International Society of Public Law.


Ruben Miranda Gonçalves is a Post-Doctor in Law from Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), Doctor in Law with international mention, Master in Law of Public Administrations and Institutions and Bachelor in Law, with honors, from Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain. He is a full time Professor at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. He is a visiting professor at the Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, where he teaches in the doctoral program in law; he was also a guest professor at the Universidade de São Paulo, Universidade Federal de Sergipe, Centro Universitario Damásio Educacional, Centro Universitario Curitiba (Brazil), Universidad Católica del Uruguay, Universidad de Chile and Università degli studio Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria (Italy).
He has attended and participated in more than thirty national and international seminars and congresses, giving lectures in different universities in Spain, Portugal, Italy, Poland, Chile, Brazil, Peru, Paraguay, Mexico, Colombia, Costa Rica and Uruguay.


Laura Miraut Martín - Professor of Philosophy of Law and current Director of the Department of Basic Legal Sciences at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Degree in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid. PhD in Law from the University of La Laguna. Visiting Researcher at Harvard University, she completed her training with long-term stays at the Universities of Bologna, Hannover, Southampton and New York.

Before becoming Director of the Department, she was also Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Legal Sciences and Director of the Doctoral Programme "The Legal Decision: Facts and Norms in the Argumentation of Law", at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria; Director of Institutional Relations of the University Foundation of Las Palmas and Member of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Society of Legal and Political Philosophy.

She has also been an Alternate Magistrate at the Provincial Court of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria since the judicial year 1998/1999.
Principal Researcher and member of several competitive research projects financed by public entities, and scientific coordinator and academic head of more than twenty contracts, agreements or R+D+I projects with public or private administrations or entities.

Coordinator of the Research Group (GIR 261), The Judicial Decision. Migratory issues. Human Rights, new technologies and Law, ULPGC. Coordinator of the Educational Innovation Group (GIE-25), Jurists facing the challenge of European convergence, of the ULPGC, which received a Mention of Excellence in 2021 as an outstanding group for its trajectory.
Evaluator and reviewer of R+D+I projects and articles for various national and foreign institutions.
Director of courses and seminars at the universities where she has worked and at various national and foreign centres.


Andra Nicoleta Puran – doktor, wykładowca na Uniwersytecie Nauki i Technologii POLITEHNICA w Bukareszcie, Rumunia, Centrum Uniwersyteckie Pitesti, Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych i Prawa, członkiem wielu stowarzyszeń naukowych, zarówno krajowych, jak i międzynarodowych. Jest autorką i współautorką ponad 20 książek i ponad 100 artykułów naukowych.


Antonio Sorela Castillo (ORCID 0000-0002-1152-1691); Uniwersytet Facultad Libre de Derecho de Chiapas (Meksyk).

Academic and Human Rights Defender, member of Amnesty International; doctorate in Law, post-doctorate in Public Law,  

Professor at the International University of La Rioja, Spain, Faculta Libre de Derecho de Chiapas and other universities in the Americas, teacher certified by SETEC in Human Rights. He was an external advisor in international litigation to defend the violation of human rights before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights; currently serves as a member of the Mechanism for the Protection of Journalists and Human Rights Defenders of the State of Morelos.


Beata Stępień-Załucka - postdoctoral fellow, professor at the Institute of Sciences Legal Sciences of the University of Rzeszow. Author of dozens of publications in the field of constitutional law, a specialist in the field of justice justice and human rights. She has lectured at universities in Italy and Mexico. Intern at the Mediterranea International Centre for Human Rights Research in Italy and Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria in Spain. Member of the Instituto Iberoamericano de Estudos Juridicos. Attorney at the Regional Bar Council in Rzeszow.


Dominik Bierecki, dr hab., prof. UP w Słupsku (ORCID 0000-0001-6993-3974);
Head of the Department of Private Law at the Pomeranian University in Słupsk, advocate. Author of several dozen publications on civil law, cooperative law and EU law. Member of many international scientific organisations and law journal programme boards. Editor-in-chief of the journal "Prawo i Więź".


Igor Zgoliński, , PhD, Professor at the Kujawy and Pomorze University in Bydgoszcz (ORCID 0000-0002-5097-6170)

He obtained his doctoral degree in legal sciences in June 2010 on the basis of the thesis "Voluntary Submission to Liability in Fiscal Criminal Law" (Warsaw 2011), under the supervision of Prof. Violetta Konarska-Wrzosek, PhD. He obtained the degree of Doctor of Laws in November 2014 on the basis of the dissertation "Defamation in Polish Criminal Law. Theory and practice issues (Warsaw 2013). In 2018, he received the KPU Rector's Award for special commitment and outstanding scientific work, overall organisational and didactic activity and innovative scientific research. In 2019, he was honoured by the rector of the KPU for his scientific and research activities. From 2014 to 2019, he served as dean of the Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics of the KPU, and from 2019 as pro-rector for scientific affairs of the University. Since 2004, he has been a judge, currently adjudicating in the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court. Author of more than a hundred scientific publications on substantive criminal law, fiscal law, executive law, criminal procedure and axiology of law. Co-author of commentaries to the Penal Code, the Executive Penal Code and the Fiscal Penal Code. He has held scientific internships at home and abroad, including in Portugal and Romania. He has been chairman and member of scientific committees at international conferences on several occasions. Member of the editorial board of the journal "Studies in Legal and Systemic Sciences Miscellanea". Member of the scientific committee of the journal "Revista Ibérica do Direito" (Portugal).  


Richard Albert (ORCID 0000-0001-5212-5292

Profesor prawa William Stamps Farish, wykładowca kontraktowy i dyrektor studiów konstytucyjnych na Uniwersytecie Teksańskim w Austin. Opublikował ponad 30 książek na temat reform konstytucyjnych i demokratycznego konstytucjonalizmu, w tym „Constitutional Amendments: Making, Breaking, and Changing Constitutions” (Oxford University Press).

He has held visiting faculty appointments around the world, including as the Canadian Bicentennial Visiting Professor at Yale University and as the inaugural Allan Rock Visiting Professor at the University of Ottawa. He has twice been appointed Distinguished Visiting Professor of Law at the University of Toronto and he has also served as a Visiting Professor of Law at FGV Direito in Brazil, Externado University of Colombia, Universidad de Especialidades Espiritu Santo in Ecuador, Airlangga University in Indonesia, and at Reichman University in Israel.

A global leader in constitutional studies, he is Co-President of the International Society of Public Law, founding director of the International Forum on the Future of Constitutionalism, and a consultant to governments and multinational organizations on constitution-making.

Born in Quebec to a Haitian mother and Trinidadian father, he is a former law clerk to the Chief Justice of Canada and a graduate of Yale, Oxford, and Harvard.


Carlos Jorge Quete (ORCID 0009-0003-3934-5196); 
Professor, Scientific Researcher and Diplomat; PhD in Public International Law (University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn [Poland]), Professor and Coordinator of the Center for Legal-Economic and Social Sciences Studies at the Faculty of Law of the Agostinho Neto University, Professor at the Faculty of Law of the Catholic University of Angola, Head of the Strategic Studies Department of the Venâncio de Moura Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, trainer at the CPLP Center for Strategic Studies and Analysis.


prof. Anna Magdalena Zalcewicz  – Polish lawyer, Doctor of Laws, Professor at the Warsaw University of Technology, specialist in financial law and financial market law. Dean Faculty of Administration and Social Sciences at the Warsaw University of Technology;
(ORCID: 0000-0002-2459-4398.)
In 2000-2011 adjunct professor at the Chair of Financial Law at the Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Szczecin. In 2011-2015 adjunct professor at the Chair of Economic Law and Public Finance (formerly Chair of Public Finance Law) of the European University of Law and Administration in Warsaw, Subsequently, professor at the ECSPA and head of this Chair, in 2015-2016 head of the Department of Law and Administration of WAiNS PW. In 2016-2019, Vice-Dean for Academic Affairs. General at the Faculty of Administration and Social Sciences of the Warsaw University of Technology, and, from September 2020, Dean of the Faculty of Administration and Social Sciences at PW. She is the author of more than 70 publications primarily on banking law, tax law and public finance law.


Trinidad Bergamasco - Córdoba University (Argentina) 

PhD National Public Accountant, graduated from the U.N.C. Universidad Nacional Tres de Febrero

Doctor in Labor Law, Social Security and Human Rights, Universidad Nacional de San Carlos de Guatemala; graduated from Universidad Empresarial Siglo 21 of the City of Córdoba. Coordinator of the Labor Advisory Area of Organización Laboral Integral (O.L.I.). Advisor to numerous companies in Córdoba in Preventive Labor Law. Professor of Labor and Social Security Law, School of Economic Sciences, UNC. Ad Honorem Professor of Labor and Social Security Law, School of Economics, UCC (Catholic University of Córdoba). Writer of publications specialized in Labor Law for Editorial Errepar and numerous national publishing houses. Speaker in numerous congresses on Labor Law and Social Security. Member of the Labor Study Advisory Committee of the C.P.C.E. (Professional Council of Economic Sciences). Former Researcher of the CeCyT (Center for Scientific and Technical Studies) of the FACPCE (Argentine Federation of Professional Councils of Economic Sciences), in the Labor area. President and founder of E.N.J.A.De.Tra (Espacio Nacional de Jóvenes Académicos del Derecho del Trabajo - Civil Association).




Jeffrey Pojanowski  is the Biolchini Family Professor of Law at the University of Notre Dame. He teaches and writes in jurisprudence, legal interpretation, and torts. He is co-editor of the American Journal of Jurisprudence. Pojanowski earned his A.B. with highest honors from Princeton University and graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law School. After law school, he served as a law clerk to then-Judge John Roberts on the United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit and then to Justice Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court of the United States. After clerking, he practiced law in Washington, D.C. before returning to the legal academy.


Seweryn Antoni "Sev" Ozdowski AM (ur. 24 czerwca 1949 r. w Polsce) jest australijskim obrońcą praw człowieka i badaczem społecznym, byłym urzędnikiem państwowym wyższego szczebla oraz komisarzem ds. praw człowieka i dyskryminacji osób niepełnosprawnych w rządzie australijskim w latach 2000-2005. Ozdowski jest znany z obrony praw człowieka uchodźców, w szczególności dzieci ubiegających się o azyl przetrzymywanych w Australii oraz osób niepełnosprawnych i chorych psychicznie, a także ze swojego wkładu w politykę wielokulturowości w Australii.

Born in Poland, Ozdowski graduated with a Master of Laws (LLM) in 1971 and Master of Arts (MA) in Sociology in 1973 from Poznań University, Poland and with a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) from the University of New England, Armidale, New South Wales in 1980. In 1984 he was awarded the Harkness Fellowship for post-graduate work at Harvard, Georgetown and Berkeley Universities in USA (1984–86).


prof. dr. of legal sciences - Alexander Vashkevich - was born in Lida on 9 September 1960. In 1983, he graduated with honours from the Faculty of Law at the Belarusian State University (BUP) in Minsk. In 1987, he defended his doctoral thesis in the field of constitutional law and worked in the department of constitutional law as a lecturer, associate professor. In 1996 he was elected to the Constitutional Court of Belarus, but resigned after the November 1996 referendum. He worked as an associate professor at the BUP's chair of international law. In May 2014, he won an international competition for the position of professor at the European Humanitarian University in Vilnius. He teaches European law, comparative constitutional law, human rights law, history of legal doctrines, law of international organisations. Fulbright Scholar 1995 (American University, Washington College of Law, USA), Fellow of the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (Heidelberg, Germany) (1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010). He has lectured and participated in numerous scientific conferences in 28 countries. He has authored and co-authored 120 books and scientific articles, of which more than 30 articles have been published in 8 European countries and the United States. Since 2006, he has been a member of the Panel of Experts on Freedom of Assembly of the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe, co-author of the Guidelines on Freedom of Peaceful Assembly of the OSCE and the Venice Commission, a member of the International Law Association, and the International Association of Constitutional Law. Member of the Union of Poles in Belarus since 1990, e-mail:
