Guidelines for the Authors concerning methods of writing established in the European Review of Law and International Relations – selected issues
ang. English; art. Article; b.d.w. without the date of publishing; b.m. without the place of publishing; ca circa; cz. part; d. former, formerly; DzU or Dz. U. Dziennik Ustaw (Polish Official Journal) (without space and with space), Dz. Urz. Dziennik Urzędowy (Official Journal); ibid. Ibidem; in pr. in principio; lit. letter; k.c. a civil code; k.k. a criminal code; k.p. a labour code; k.r.o. a family and guardianship code; k.s.h. a code of commercial companies; Mon. Pol. Monitor Polski; n. next, subsequent; nn. next, subsequent; nb. notabene, incidentially; nb side number; nr number (always with a small letter regardless of the source); nt thesis number; op. cit. opere citato, opus citatum (with space; Polish version dz. cyt.); p. versus; Pal. Palestra (The Bar); PiP Państwo i Prawo (State and Law); PS Przegląd Sądowy (Judicial Review); par. paragraph (preferably: §); pkt point (without the dot); por. compare with; poz. position; r. year; red. edited by; ros. russian; rozdz. chapter; rozp. ordinance; RPEiS Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny (Poznań Journal of Law, Economics and Sociology); s. page, ss. pages (in case of subsequent pages preferable writing: ss. 1 and 2, not ss. 1-2; this rule changes with at least three subsequent pages); t. thesis (not: tom, which is better to be written down without abbreviations); tt. thesis; t.j. consolidated text; uchw. SN (7) a Supreme Court resolution adopted by a panel of 7 judges); ust. section; v. versus; Zb. Orz. Zbiór Orzeczeń (Collection of Judicial Rulings); Zesz. Nauk. Zeszyty Naukowe (Scientific Notebooks); zd. sentence; zm. changes; zob. see.